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From Novice to AI with Wolfram Language

I taught a full course on Wolfram Language programming, Computational Thinking and Artificial Intelligence in just 3 days!! That is 3 days to go from total Wolfram language programming novice to eventually training models using the robust automated artificial intelligence system included in Mathematica.

It was an awesome experience and despite the fact that it was conducted in an academic environment, it turned out to be so much fun. My students never expected programming could be this simple yet super-sophisticated.

One student described her project for me and after she was done talking, I simply asked if she had viewed the Image Processing library in the Wolfram Documentation. A few clicks later, she saw all the functions that were prebuilt and was exhilarated. She confessed I had just saved her from a full year of fruitless labour as she was trying to build her own library due to lack of high-quality libraries for her highly domain-specific project. This is just one of the countless revelations my students had during their 3-day journey. I am including the exact Wolfram Notebook we used for your own study and play. I hope you enjoy and have a lot of fun with it in the Wolfram Cloud.


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